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Are Invisible Braces Right for Me?

For many people, braces are a necessary part of life. Although bringing the teeth into proper alignment may feel like a hassle, it will be better for overall dental health in the long-run. Unfortunately, many people shy away from or begrudge their braces due to their...

Benefits of Flossing Daily

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a million times… flossing your teeth daily is an important part of oral health. Unfortunately, many people find this the most challenging step in keeping their teeth and gums looking and feeling their best. What’s the big hype?...

Things to Consider When Choosing an Orthodontist

These days, it can be challenging to know how to choose a good health care provider. After all, with so many options, where do you even begin? Can you trust a friend’s recommendation, or are you better off finding someone on your own? At University Centre Dental...

20 Foods that Strengthen Teeth

One of the main factors impacting dental health is our diet. Although you may not think of it, what you eat and drink can fortify or weaken your teeth. We recommend the following food for strong teeth.   Fruit Both apples and pears act as a natural toothbrush,...

When it Comes to Dentures Does Brand Matter?

Are you in the market for a set of dentures? Perhaps you have used them for years but are unhappy with your product and want to switch. It can be intimidating to shop for something you know very little about, but have such an important effect on your life. Not only is...

About the Effects of Gum Disease Over Time

It probably does not come as a surprise that our mouths are full of bacteria. And, of course, any time there is a small area with a large amount of bacteria, it is susceptible to infection and diseases. The bacteria in our mouths, along with mucus and other particles,...

How Long will the Pain Last After my Tooth Extraction?

So you had to get a tooth extracted… yikes! The procedure and aftermath of an oral surgery such as tooth extraction is no walk in the park. Following the removal of your tooth, you may feel uncomfortable or irritated while your mouth heals. Although we would all...


Sometimes I think the expression “pain is beauty” derived from someone talking about braces. It is no secret that braces can cause abundant soreness, irritation, and pain inside of your mouth. Luckily, there are a number of things you can do to combat the pain from...

How Young is Too Young for Orthodontic Treatment?

When your child grins, does it reveal a mouth full of crooked teeth? Do their permanent teeth seem to be growing in adjacent to one another? Or perhaps your child has an underbite or overbite that causes them pain or insecurity. Well, breathe a sigh of relief because...